Curriculum & Assessment Policy

Target curriculum & Educational Resources:

Bangladesh MHM School & College, Doha, Qatar, follows the national curriculum of Bangladesh (NCTB). This curriculum includes traditional Primary (KG-1 to Grade-5), Junior Secondary ( Grade 6 to Grade-8), Secondary and Higher Secondary (Grade 9 to 12). The academic subjects include Bangla, English, Math, Computer, Bangladesh and Global Studies, Islam and Moral Education, Science, Qatar History and Arabic. Students of both secondary and higher secondary classes have to select to one of two major groups: Science and Business Studies. At this level, students of Science Group study Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Higher Math in addition to the subjects mentioned above. The students of Business studies study Accounting, Business Entrepreneurship, Finance and Banking, Business Organization and Management, statistics, Production Management and Marketing.

Public Examinations: On the completion of Primary Education, students of Grade-5 are prepared for Primary Education Completion (PEC) examination under the Directorate of Primary Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh and on the completion of 8th Grade, students are prepared for Junior Secondary Certificate (JSC) examination under the Board of Intermediate& Secondary Education (BISE), Dhaka, Bangladesh. On the completion of 10th and 12th Grade, Students are prepared for Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examination under BISE. It is mentionable that Higher Secondary Certificate (Completion XII Grade) is the exit qualification of students and they become qualified to enter to universities for higher education in Bangladesh and anywhere in world.

Education resources:

The students follow the textbooks, English version and published by The National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB).  It is the largest publishing house in the world in terms of the number of textbooks it produces. Besides, students and teachers can access the education resources from the following Useful links: 


Monthly Test:
a. For poor performance, students will be given next chance to sit for re-test.
b. For sickness or other serious grounds, they are considered and taken special care.
Half Yearly Examination/Pre-Test Examination (Grade-10 and 12):
a. For failing in 1 or 2 subjects, warning letter is given to the students addressed to parents.
b. For failing in more than 2 subjects, undertaking is taken from parents with a condition that the student will be taken special care by parents so that he can pass in all subjects.

Annual Examination/Test Examination (Grade-10 and 12):
a. For failing in one subject, student will be promoted with special consideration provided that they must show satisfactory performance in the following Monthly Tests and Term exam.

  1. For failing in two subjects, re-exam will be taken after a certain preparation time and they must pass.
  2. Reporting progress & Monitoring Learning:
    * Pass marks are 33% in total for all classes as per Board curriculum.
    * Students’ attendance must be70% for all classes to appear in the Annual
    Examination. Less attendance will be considered only in case of students’ sickness,
    Hajj or Umrah which is granted by Principal/Director.
    * Form Teacher is responsible for sending “poor performance warning
    letter” and taking “undertaking” from the guardian as appropriate as per above policy. He/ She is also responsible to keep record of such correspondence, acknowledgement slip etc.
    * Director/ Principal will have the flexibility to give promotion to a student / allow

Students’ Grading Criteria

A+ = 80-100

                          A   = 70-79

                          A- = 60-69

                          B   = 50-59

                          C   = 40-49

                          D  =  33-39

                          F  =  0-32

* Subject teachers shall intimate cases of weak students for onward transmission to
parents for boosting up his / her study.
* Weak students shall be taken care of separately by the subject teachers through
extra classes after the normal academic periods and he / she will counsel the students as required.
* Answer scripts of all exams shall be shown to students by respective subject teachers immediate before publishing result and will be shown to parents in earmarked classroom on result publishing day. If any parents cannot attend on result day, They may apply to Authority for taking the scripts afterwards. Such scripts will only be handed over to the parents.

(Tabulation format and report card format attached)