Bangladesh MHM school & College Doha, Qatar 

 Introduction: Bangladesh MHM School & College, Doha, Qatar is an English Medium institution managed by Bangladesh Embassy, Doha, Qatar. The school was established in 1979 with a view to providing education to Bangladeshi Community children in Qatar. The school today is one of the most prestigious institutions in Doha with around 1200 students from KG-I to Grade-XII. The school follows the national curriculum of Bangladesh (NCTB) and set its objectives in line with the education policies of Bangladesh and the guidelines of Ministry of Education and Higher Education, State of Qatar. The education plan includes mission and vision, objectives and achievements, Governing Body structure, Organogram, policies and guidelines, academic activities, extra-curricular activities, educational resources and materials, national values and values of Qatar.

Vision and Mission

VISION:  To impart quality education to the students to prepare them to face the challenges of the competitive world  maintaining excellence in academic, curricular, co-curricular and  extracurricular activities, Discipline and Moral Standard.

MISSIONTo develop the highest standard of teaching/ evaluation system as to find out the creativeness of the weak and strong students in terms of academic, co-curricular and discipline aspects including environmental awareness by involving parents, teachers and students for achieving the highest standard of Education goal.

General educational objectives:

  1. To innovate and improve continuously the ways and means for Effective Teaching system, Moral courage and discipline standard involving Teachers, Guardians and students
  1. To ensure highest standard of disciplines by encouraging Student’s regular attendance, maintaining class environment and implementing Do’s and Don’ts policy of the students
  1. To ensure continuous updating of Teaching Techniques among the Faculties by holding the regular Training /workshops/seminar.
  1. To develop an effective lesson plans and Teaching Techniques for the Elementary, Middle and High Schools in order to achieve the excellent performance in the Board and Annual Examinations.
  1. To develop the highest standard of evaluation process as to find out the creativeness weak and strong students in terms of academic and co-curricular aspects including discipline and environmental awareness by Involving parents, Teachers and Students.
  1. To develop the different clubs like, Games and Sports, Science and cultural language, debating, arts and crafts music etc for ensuring effective participation in the national/international competition and celebration of national / international days.
  1. To develop and create awareness about environment by holding regular programs like gardening, procession, cleaning of class/ surroundings, green plantation etc.
  1. To develop the training calendar among to be trained and encourage the students in the aspects of moral and ethics.
  1. School Management Structure
  2. Governing Body (copy attached)
  3. School Organogram (copy attached)
  4. Overview of the academic year, the School/ MoEH. E. approved calendar, daily schedules across stages:

The school follows its own academic yearly calendar following the instruction of both Government of Bangladesh and Qatar. The academic year starts from January and ends in December. Each year is divided into 2 terms exams (Half Yearly exam & Final Exam) being held for all classes at the end of each term. In each term, the students sit for 2 Monthly Tests for 20 marks. The two monthly tests marks are added in the term exam which is considered out of 100 marks and converted into 80. Students get promotion to a higher class if they pass the exams. All students from KG-1 to Grade- 12 following the set Board curriculum and Primary education department of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Daily Class routine consists of eight periods starting from Sunday to Thursday. KG-1 and KG-2 routine consists of 5 periods.(copy attached)


  1. Target curriculum & Educational Resources:

Bangladesh MHM School & College, Doha, Qatar, follows the national curriculum of Bangladesh (NCTB). This curriculum includes traditional Primary (KG-1 to Grade-5), Junior Secondary ( Grade 6 to Grade-8), Secondary and Higher Secondary (Grade 9 to 12). The academic subjects include Bangla, English, Math, Computer, Bangladesh and Global Studies, Islam and Moral Education, Science, Qatar History and Arabic. Students of both secondary and higher secondary classes have to select to one of two major groups:Science and Business Studies. At this level, students of Science Group study Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Higher Math in addition to the subjects mentioned above. The students of Business studies study Accounting, Business Entrepreneurship, Finance and Banking, Business Organization and Management, statistics, Production Management and Marketing.

Public Examinations: On the completion of Primary Education, students of Grade-5 are prepared for Primary Education Completion (PEC) examination under the Directorate of Primary Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh and on the completion of 8th Grade, students are prepared for Junior Secondary Certificate (JSC) examination under the Board of Intermediate& Secondary Education (BISE), Dhaka, Bangladesh. On the completion of 10th and 12th Grade, Students are prepared for Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examination under BISE. It is mentionable that Higher Secondary Certificate (Completion XII Grade) is the exit qualification of students and they become qualified to enter to universities for higher education in Bangladesh and anywhere in world.

Education resources:

The students follow the textbooks, English version and published by The National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB).  It is the largest publishing house in the world in terms of the number of textbooks it produces. Besides, students and teachers can access the education resources from the following Useful links: 

  1. Curricular & Extracurricular activities:

The school established four Houses for its sports and cultural activities, each of which is named after the famous rivers of Bangladesh. The Houses are assigned different colors to represent them. The students are required to wear four colored uniforms to identify themselves according to their Houses. The Houses is controlled by its student’s prefects, and they plan to have permanent sports and cultural teams to participate in inter-house sports and cultural competitions. All those activities are guided by a House Master for each house and a group of house tutors are also attached with house. Bangladesh National Day celebration, Qatar National Day celebration(QND), International Mother Language Day celebration, Bangladesh Victory Day celebration, Bangla New Year Celebration etc. Four senior Teachers are assigned to act as House Masters including a number of teachers as House Tutors.

The name of the houses with colures given bellow:

  • Padma House (Green)
  • Meghna House (Maroon)
  • Jamuna  House (Blue)
  • Korotoa  House (Yellow)

Besides, the School students also participated in inter-school Debate competition, Quran recitation competition, drawing competition as the part of its extra-curricular activities etc.


  1. Building a sense of National Pride:

To develop national pride, a citizen needs to instill a sense of patriotism. Schools have the best platform for instilling such values. The history of own country Bangladesh and resident country Qatar is taught to the students by adapting different teaching methods. The students read Bangladesh and Global Studies as well as Qatar History and take part in various activities  like historical drama, role play etc.

The students are taught about respecting national symbols, national holidays, learn how to sing the national anthem and respect it.  The school promotes the importance of mother tongue as well as learning Arabic and English as their second and third language. Because languages is the gateway to know the culture and tradition of a country. Teachers are grooming the students on what is right or what is wrong for the purpose of loving their country and resident country Qatar so that they can adapt with the culture and society, systems and respecting laws and orders of the concerned countries.

  1. Teaching three compulsory subjects: Arabic, Islamic History and Qatar History:

As per the academic policy of Ministry of Education and Higher Education, State of Qatar, the school has been teaching these three subjects- Arabic, Islamic History and Qatar History with its academic curriculum. The classes are allocated on regular class routine. Our Arabic teachers have designed required lesson plans and are giving lesson delivery on regular basis with a number of class tests as to prepare them for the half yearly and Annual Examinations.

  1. Quality of Teaching & Learning


(i)  Group study:

Teachers guide the students to be active learners rather than simply be spectators. Students engage with the study material, participate in the class, and collaborate with each other as a part of the learning process to solve their problems by groups.  Teachers, look at ways to facilitate independent, critical, and creative thinking by using active learning techniques.

(ii) Involvement of Parents:

Teachers are keeping parents involved and informed at all times. Each section of the Grades has WhatsApp / e-mail group through which parents can communicate with the Form Teachers and can be aware of the status of their children’s study. In fact it is now one of the integral part of teaching system. Moreover, communication over phone is conducted there when needed to contact with the parents/guardians.

(iii) Teachers’ Training:

Teachers training is held on regular basis. A training was conducted on creative question method. Resource personnel were hired from Dhaka Education Board. Besides regular training session are held as per calendar.



  1. Assessment Policy:

Monthly Test:
a. For poor performance, students will be given next chance to sit for re-test.
b. For sickness or other serious grounds, they are considered and taken special care.
Half Yearly Examination/Pre-Test Examination (Grade-10 and 12):
a. For failing in 1 or 2 subjects, warning letter is given to the students addressed to parents.
b. For failing in more than 2 subjects, undertaking is taken from parents with a condition that the student will be taken special care by parents so that he can pass in all subjects.

Annual Examination/Test Examination (Grade-10 and 12):
a. For failing in one subject, student will be promoted with special consideration provided that they must show satisfactory performance in the following Monthly Tests and Term exam.

  1. For failing in two subjects, re-exam will be taken after a certain preparation time and they must pass.
  2. Reporting progress & Monitoring Learning:
    * Pass marks are 33% in total for all classes as per Board curriculum.
    * Students’ attendance must be70% for all classes to appear in the Annual
    Examination. Less attendance will be considered only in case of students’ sickness,
    Hajj or Umrah which is granted by Principal/Director.
    * Form Teacher is responsible for sending “poor performance warning
    letter” and taking “undertaking” from the guardian as appropriate as per above policy. He/ She is also responsible to keep record of such correspondence, acknowledgement slip etc.
    * Director/ Principal will have the flexibility to give promotion to a student / allow

Students’ Grading Criteria

A+ = 80-100

                          A   = 70-79

                          A- = 60-69

                          B   = 50-59

                          C   = 40-49

                          D  =  33-39

                          F  =  0-32

* Subject teachers shall intimate cases of weak students for onward transmission to
parents for boosting up his / her study.
* Weak students shall be taken care of separately by the subject teachers through
extra classes after the normal academic periods and he / she will counsel the students as required.
* Answer scripts of all exams shall be shown to students by respective subject teachers immediate before publishing result and will be shown to parents in earmarked classroom on result publishing day. If any parents cannot attend on result day, They may apply to Authority for taking the scripts afterwards. Such scripts will only be handed over to the parents.

(Tabulation format and report card format attached)

  1. Differentiation & Special Educational Needs:

Special attention needed children not studying in this school. But for the weak students we are conducting extra classes by arranging separate room & caring to improve their ability.

13.Human & Social Development:

The school always holds social programs and from these programs students learn the human rights etiquettes and customs of the society of Qatar & Bangladesh. The students also joined in the United Nations different programs concerning social development environment as well as humanity building activities. School also holds the programs concerning human and social development.

  1. The School Behavior policy:

Code of Conduct for Students

  1. General :
    a) Always start everything in the name of the Almighty Allah.
    b) Obey and show respect to your parents, teachers and seniors.
    c) Always speak the truth, be honest, think honestly and hate offence.
    d) Be industrious and persevering. Don’t be disappointed. Always depend on Allah for your success and pray for His help.
    e) Come to school in proper uniform.
    f) While entering the Institution, pay due respect saying “Assalamu Alaikum” to all teachers and those who are senior in age.
    g) Respect the teachers and be friendly with your seniors and friends.
    h) Never misbehave with anybody.
  2. Before joining school campus ensure the following:
    a) Uniform is clean, tidy and ironed properly.
    b) Shoes are clean.
    c) Have a proper haircut, tie and ID card.
    d) Girls’ hair will be covered with scarf. Finger nails are properly trimmed.
    e) Boys’ hair must be short.
    f) Students must not carry any electronic items/toys/mobile phone/expensive wrist Watches etc in physical classes.
    g) Students must not go outside of campus during school hour.
  3. Before joining class ensure the following:
    a) Have prepared your lessons and home tasks before joining class.
    b) Have completed the assignments.
    c) Don’t move around in corridor, during class hour.
    d) Use the washrooms earmarked for respective class/students.
  4. Behavior during the class:
    a) Sit as per seat plan
    b) Be attentive and clear your doubts during the class.
    c) Carry books and copies regularly.
    d) Don’t disturb others.
    e) Do not go and loiter anywhere during the class hour except tiffin period.
    f) Throw dirt of class room and waste of your tiffin in the dustbin.
    h) Do not tend to sneak away.
    i) Prepare your regular lesson and home task and join the class.
    j) Make short notes on your daily study program which is given by the teachers and seek

    help of teachers about any query which is not clear to you.

  1. k) Do not write or draw anything on the wall and desk of the classroom.
  1. While visiting washroom, ensure:
    a) Have left it clean after using it.
    b) The floor should not get wet and dirty.
  2. Behavior with classmates, seniors and juniors:
    a) Remember that students come from different backgrounds and from different areas of the country and from different nationalities.
    b) Every human being is different from other, somebody may be emotional, irritable or unsocial but everyone should try to behave ideally.
  3. School Property:
    a) Take care of the properties of the institution.
    b) Ensure following to save school property:
    i. Switch off the fan and light before leaving the classroom.
    ii. Own desk should be kept clean.
    iii. For any odd situation inform Form teacher.
    c) Damage of any asset by any student must be compensated accordingly.
  4. Personal Properties:
    a) Take care of personal properties like bag, pen, books, copies, calculator, wristwatch, etc.
    b) Keep all these items inside the bag.
    c) Be vigilant and careful so that personal belongings are not lost.
  1. Tiffin:
    a) Bring your tiffin from home. Have it in your classroom.
    b) In case of not bringing tiffin from home, may get the same from school canteen at a reasonable price. (Canteen is closed for COVID-19)
    c) When you enter the canteen area, stand in the queue and wait for your turn. Don’t break the line or make chaos.
  2. School attendance:
    a) 70% attendance in the class is compulsory for every student to appear in the final exam.
    b) Absence only for sickness, Hajj and Umrah to be granted by Director/ Principal.
  3. Examinations:
    a) There are assessment, surprise test, class tests and term end examinations. Each Examination is compulsory for every student.
    b) Each student must secure requisite marks in each exam as per promotion policy.
    c) Do not adopt any unfair means in the examination hall. He who intends to copy or prepare himself to copy in the examination hall will be expelled.
  1. Prefectship:
    Every year College Prefects are selected on the basis of year final combined merit list of Grade XI and XII and and other extracurricular activities.
  2. Study at home:
    a) Must cover the lesson which will be taught on the next day.
    b) Must study at least 06 hrs a day.
    c) Don’t keep any work pending.
  3. Games: ( At present all games and sports are postponed for COVID-19)
    a) Attendance in games is compulsory for all
    b) Facilities for the following games are available.
    i. Football
    ii. Volleyball
    iii. Handball
    iv. Basketball
    v. Table tennis
    vi. Other Indoor games
  4. Use of Library:
    Students may use the library in their allocated library period on working days.
  5. Joining National Days:
    Taking part in different events organized by school on national days like International Mother Language Day, Independence Day, Birth and Death Anniversary of the Father of the Nation, Pohela Boishakh (Bangla New Year), Victory Day, Qatar National day, etc. is a must.


  1. Parents are requested to kindly write down their identity and put their specimen signature in the diary. Please ensure that correct mobile number has been given in the diary. If mobile number changes, inform the Form Teacher.
    2. Parents must go through the rules and advice set for the students in the school diary and ask their children to abide by those and assist them in this regard.
    3. Parents should send their child to school according to reporting time and in proper uniform.
    4. Please should be concerned about pick up time of school bus and ensure that their son/ daughter comes to school regularly and punctually in the working days and returns home in due time.
    5. After your child returns home, please check his/her diary and find out the lessons imparted in different periods. If you have anything to say, please write in the diary and put your signature.
    6. Please have a look at the home tasks or assignments given for the next day and encourage them to prepare those.
    7. Parents should keep in touch with the Form Teacher regarding the study related matters.
  2. a) Parents should ensure their children’s presence in the Assessment, Monthly

        Tests and Half yearly and Final Exams.
    b) For late reporting during Term Exam, no extra time will be allotted.
9. a) Students’ leave will be granted only for his/her sickness, Hajj and Umrah.
    b) If a student fails to come to class due to sickness, parents would submit an   

        application to the Director/Principal with a medical certificate / document.
10.   The Parents should pay the tuition fees in time directly in the Accounts Office or  

        to School account in Doha Bank.

11. Parents may meet Principal/Director taking permission to discuss about the progress of their children at the fixed time on the particular day.
12. Persons those who would drop in and pick up the students in and from school 

      would do it on time.
13. The Parents should look after their children’s health and cleanliness.

14. The Parents should keep their children away from undesirable company or environment.
15. For building up a good character and making progress in the students, joint effort of the parents and teachers is required.
16. Regarding the progress in studies and building characters of the children, it is expected that the parents should give active and spontaneous support to the teachers.
17. Parents must attend Parents – Teachers meeting as per date. Any suggestion    through constructive criticism will be welcomed cordially.

  1. Any issue come from the parents and discussed in the PTA (Parents Teachers Association) and forwarded to the competent Authority for action.

Discipline policy

  1. Separate discipline committee is formed by the Director for a tenure of one Term for Elementary, Middle and High School.

    2. Any student scolding anyone or using abusive language/offensive remarks shall receive warning letter. Repetition of same offence shall warrant one week suspension.

    3. Any student adopting unfair means in any exam shall be expelled from entire exam.
    4. Any student disobeying teachers shall get a letter of warning. Repetition of same offence shall warrant suspension for one week.

  2. Health & Safety

The school always concerned about the health & safety of students. School holds first aid training, workshop and regular lecture on safety aspects and we have one first aid clinic and a trained nurse.

  1. Play a key role in school health services as a normal
  2. Maintain normal school clinic operation: Any student causing injury, instantly First

   Aid is given by school designated nurse and ambulance is called in emergency 


  1. Provide proper explanation about health for school community:
  2. Managing suspected COVID-19 cases
  3. Maintain proper nurse’s role in the isolation room
  4. Management and control of infectious diseases:
  5. Managing suspected COVID-19 cases
  6. Process of suspected cases referral
  7. Proper follow up of referred cases
  8. Safety equipment such as official uniform, gloves and surgical masks should wear throughout the duty hours in school.
  9. School nurse should cooperate with the assigned school team to oversee any violations related to the implementation of the health and safety protocol. – If any violation in school is noted by a school nurse, this incident should be handled professionally and escalated to the school Director / Principal for immediate action
  10. Facilities of Technology and Teaching Aids:

(i) The school has introduced new ways to lesson delivery. Due to Pandemic crisis, the school has introduced blended learning system by installing smart board and computer in each classroom. Teachers can use videos, e-book, free online resources and other digital tools in their classroom. Young students have been more adept in technological skills and they are learning faster and effectively.

(ii) The school has ensured customized learning that combines face-to-face teaching with technology-assisted instruction.

iii) Every class room has white board and computer with smart board

  1. iv) Software based library facilities for all students at school .
  1. Quality Assurance
  2. i) The school follows systematic review of students performance by adopting its own evaluation method
  3. ii) Students are evaluated every month on the following points
  4. Maintaining dress code
  5. Punctuality
  6. Manner and behaviour
  7. Class attendance
  8. Class performance
  9. Maintaining school diary
  10. Homework practice
  11. Exam result analysis(monthly test and term test)
  12. Participation in extracurricular activities
  13. Communication skill
  14. Self-cleanliness

            iii) End of the year they are evaluated on the basis of monthly evaluation and term exam   


  1. iv) Evaluation of teachers and school administration is done by implementing APR (Anuual

                 Performance Report)

  1. v) School is improving the standard of teachers by arranging regular training session
  1. vi) School has ensured conducive environment for lerning their lesson in a problem  solving met


  1. Accreditation:
  2. Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  3. Ministry of Education, Govt of Bangladesh
  4. Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, Govt. of Bangladesh
  5. Ministry of Education and Higher Education, State of Qatar.
  6. Stakeholder & Community Engagement
  7. Embassy of Bangladesh, Doha, Qatar.
  8. Governing Body Members
  9. Pioneer founder members
  10. Founder members
  11. Bangladesh Community Qatar (BFQ)
  12. Teachers and Staff
  13. Implementation of the Education Program during Covid-19 & safety precautions

Classes and exams are conducted both physically and virtually. As per the instruction of the MOPH & Education Ministry we arranged the class rooms 1.5m distance between each students, temperature screening in the bus as well as in the entrance gate & in the class rooms. Computer, smart boards & zoom app are using as teaching aids. Normally we were using computer smart boards for conducting class .And we have chemistry, Biology, Physics and ICT lab also helps our students to improve their knowledge. During Covid-19 pandemic.

The school always concerned about the health & safety of students. School holds first aid training, workshop and regular lecture on safety aspects and we have one first aid clinic and a trained nurse.   School arranged a separate isolation room, by giving proper awareness about the covid-19 to the staffs, students as well as for the students. School authority is not allowing any gatherings inside the school premises for the safety of all the students and staff.